Saints Row, a franchise once celebrated for its unique blend of open-world chaos and humor, faced an unprecedented challenge with its 2022 reboot. Fans eagerly anticipated a return to form, hoping for a revival that would capture the essence of what made the series beloved. However, the latest installment proved to be a complete departure in nearly every way, leading to a disappointing reception and becoming the franchise’s worst-selling entry.
A Controversial Marketing Campaign and Poor Release
The 2022 Saints Row reboot was plagued from the start by a controversial marketing campaign. The trailers and promotional material suggested a significant shift in tone and style, which did not resonate well with long-time fans. This misalignment between fan expectations and the game’s direction was the first major misstep.
Upon release, the game faced criticism for its numerous bugs and technical issues, further alienating its audience. Despite the modern graphics and some innovative gameplay elements, these problems overshadowed any positives the game might have offered.
Sales Figures: A Stark Contrast
To put the sales figures in perspective, we can look at the historical performance of the Saints Row franchise:
- Saints Row (2006): Sold over 2 million copies.
- Saints Row 2 (2008): Sold approximately 3.4 million copies.
- Saints Row: The Third (2011): The best-selling entry, with over 5.5 million copies sold.
- Saints Row IV (2013): Sales figures are not fully clear, but it sold 1 million copies in its first week.
In stark contrast, the 2022 reboot has sold around 1.7 million copies according to Tyrin Stevenson’s LinkedIn profile, who worked as a social media manager at Volition. This makes it the worst-selling entry in the franchise’s history, falling short even of the original game’s sales.
Key Reasons for the Reboot’s Failure
1. Ignoring the Fanbase
One of the critical errors was the departure from the established tone and style that fans loved. The original Saints Row games were known for their outrageous humor and over-the-top action. The reboot attempted to introduce a more grounded and serious narrative, which did not resonate with the core audience.
2. Technical Issues
The game’s release was marred by technical problems, including bugs and glitches that disrupted gameplay. In today’s competitive gaming market, a smooth and polished experience is crucial, and Saints Row 2022 fell short in this regard.
3. Absence from Steam
Volition Games made the strategic decision to skip a Steam release, opting instead for exclusivity on other platforms. This decision likely limited the game’s reach and sales potential, as Steam remains a dominant platform for PC gamers.
The marketing campaign for the reboot failed to effectively communicate the game’s strengths and appeal. Instead of exciting long-time fans and attracting new players, the promotional material often highlighted aspects that did not align with the expectations of the established fanbase.
Impact on Volition Games and the Future of the Franchise
The disappointing performance of the reboot had significant consequences for Volition Games. Following the game’s release and the subsequent poor reception, Embracer Group decided to shut down Volition Games. This marked a tragic end for a studio that had been pivotal in the development of the Saints Row series.
However, there is still hope for the future of the franchise. Embracer Group has confirmed that the Saints Row series will continue, albeit under different stewardship. This announcement suggests that there is still potential for the franchise to reclaim its former glory, provided the next installment learns from the mistakes of the 2022 reboot.