In The Upcoming Patch, Capcom Will “Nerve” The Dragonsplague

In The Upcoming Patch, Capcom Will "Nerve" The Dragonsplague

The anticipation for updates in the gaming world is always palpable, especially when it comes to beloved titles like Dragon’s Dogma 2. Developers are constantly striving to enhance player experiences, and Capcom’s announcement regarding the forthcoming update for Dragon’s Dogma 2 has certainly captured the attention of fans worldwide.

Dragonsplague Will be Easier to Spot

Dragonsplague, the ominous affliction that threatens the very essence of Pawns within the game, has been a persistent concern for players since its introduction. The fear of losing valuable companions to this debilitating malady has added an element of tension to gameplay, often resulting in strategic dilemmas and heart-wrenching losses.

It’s not a skill issue when someone says dragonsplague is hard to spot. And it did dirty things to me. Dragonsplague killed Venworth twice in 2 hours of playtime. My kind-hearted pawn barely showed weird signs or weird talk on the road. It still talked like a slave who was ready to die for her master. The problem is, when Dragonsplague happened, I was on Wilhelmina’s romanticising mission.

Capcom’s commitment to player satisfaction shines through as they unveil plans to mitigate the impact of Dragonsplague in the upcoming update. By reducing the frequency of infection and implementing visual cues to enhance detection, players can navigate the perilous world of Dragon’s Dogma 2 with renewed confidence. The addition of prominent glowing eyes when a Pawn is afflicted serves as a crucial indicator, enabling players to swiftly intervene and administer remedies before irreversible consequences ensue.

Refinement of Pawn Behaviors

The companionship of Pawns enriches the gaming experience in Dragon’s Dogma 2, but their incessant dialogue and occasional missteps have garnered mixed reactions from players. In response to player feedback, Capcom has meticulously analyzed and addressed various aspects of Pawn behaviors to elevate immersion and streamline interactions.

One of the notable adjustments pertains to the frequency and relevance of dialogue lines uttered by Pawns. By reducing redundant chatter and aligning dialogue with contextual cues, the authenticity of interactions within the game world is significantly enhanced. Furthermore, measures to prevent main Pawns from utilizing support dialogue and minimizing the frequency of recruitment solicitations contribute to a more cohesive gameplay experience.

When it will be Released?

The eagerness to experience these transformative updates is palpable among the Dragon’s Dogma 2 community, and Capcom has provided reassurance regarding the timeline for implementation. Scheduled for release within the current month, the update will be seamlessly deployed across all platforms as soon as they are deemed ready—a testament to Capcom’s commitment to inclusivity and accessibility.

By Arya Kamandanu

Our online writer, our reviewer, a turn-base RPG enthusiast, a looter-shooter fan, oftenly called as a dead-game specialist. Everytime i played a game more than 500 hours, months later the game will be abandoned by its dev and publisher. I'm cursed.

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